A Poem for Good Friday

Continuing my corona sequence for the Triduum, here is my poem for Good Friday. In this poem, I seek to show what the love for one another Christ commanded us to have on Maundy Thursday ultimately looks like. It is good, but it can also be painful in a fallen world. But through this Love, this fallen world will be redeemed.

“Good Friday”

When he was raised up on the bloody cross,
He took on the wage of sin, our wage of death.
The Sky went black because the Light seemed lost,
As Jesus gasped his final dying breath.

This is the love he commanded us to show,
A love that only seeks the other’s good,
A love that causes the Spirit’s wind to blow
And changes bread and wine to spiritual food.

Now I must learn to love just as he did,
And walk upon my own dolorous way.
I have in me a light that should not be hid.
It is my role in life, the Gospel play.

But he was still descending down beyond;
He had to go to the lands without a sun.


A Poem for Holy Saturday


A Poem for Maundy Thurday